New Moon in Aries Lunar Cycle 2024
My notes about which aspects I’m looking taking a closer look at in my moon mapping notebook.
New Moon
On April 8, 2024 2:20pm edt, the New Moon in Aries will eclipse the Sun signaling a time of major change and new beginnings. The New Moon invites us to visualize our intentions. How do we want our outcome to feel?The Moon will also be conjunct Chiron in Aries at 2:21pm edt, providing an opportunity to heal something we’ve longed to redefine.
Use Jasper to help you understand the difference between assertion and aggression (The Crystal Zodiac by Judy Hall).
Affirm: I am healed.
Waxing Crescent Moon
On April 11, 2024 the moon will be Waxing Crescent in Gemini at 10:06pm edt. This phase invites us to plan the actions we must take to achieve our goals. At 12:22pm edt the Moon in Gemini will trine Pluto in Aquarius. The energy of this aspect could inspire us to see who our highest selves can be. Our thoughts will easily be in harmony for this experience.
A useful crystal for this phase is apophyllite which promotes introspection and assists us in recognizing our own true selves (The Crystal Zodiac by Judy Hall).
Affirm: I know how to transcend my distress to see the truth.
First Quarter Moon
The moon entered its First Quarter phase in the sign of Cancer at 3:13pm edt. The First Quarter Moon is an ideal time to take action on our plans.
New Moon in Pisces Lunar Cycle 2024
New Moon
The New Moon occurred in Pisces on March 10, 2024 at 5:00am edt.
Waxing Crescent Moon
The Waxing Crescent Moon occurred in Taurus on March 13, 2024 at 10:32am edt.
First Quarter Moon
The First Quarter Moon occurred in Gemini on March 17, 2024 at 12:10am edt. This moon will inspire us to give a lot of thought to what we project to the world and the tension we may feel around how that is received. The First Quarter Moon will then enter Cancer at 5:40am edt.
The moon will be trining two planets in Pisces during this time, inspiring us to grow and expand in mystical matters or realizations around the things we love and desire. It will also ask us to consider how our discipline can be integrated with with our intuition to assist us with our expansion.
At 7:54pm edt the moon will be in Cancer and will trine Venus in Pisces. This aspect invites us to dig deep to answer questions about what needs to be uncovered that will provide insights to assist our inner work. We are called to see how our desires and intuition could work together to promote our expansion.
On March 18, 2024 the First Quarter Moon in Cancer will trine Saturn in Pisces at 4:29am edt. We are called to assess our perspectives and how they influence our inner peace. Inner child work might help us undo emotional barriers to our spiritual progression.
Affirm: I feel my way to the experiences that support my expansion.
Waxing Gibbous Moon
The Moon will enter its Waxing Gibbous phase on March 20, 2024 at 11:27pm edt. When the Leo moon is in its Waxing Gibbous phase we are invited to refine our ideas and plans based on the information that we have been gathering since the New Moon in Pisces on March 10. The Waxing Gibbous Moon in Leo is squaring 2 planets while in this phase. On March 20, 2024 at 9:34pm edt it will square Jupiter in Taurus where we are being invited to maintain creativity and courage while confronting the strain of available resources and making the most of the available opportunities. We may feel tempted to give up or deny challenges but we must continue to push forward.
On March 21, 2024 the Moon in Leo will square Uranus in Taurus at 8:06am edt. We are asked to channel our creativity in unique ways to secure resources. We may be frustrated when it doesn’t come as easy as it usually does has but if we summon our courage and trust in ourselves, we can find innovative ways to succeed.
Affirm: I will persevere in creating stability for myself.
Full Moon
On March 25th, 2024 at 3:00am edt, the Full Moon in Libra will experience a lunar eclipse. There may be some tension between what we desire regarding connection and our need to feel independent and fulfill our individual needs. This provides an opportunity to consider what needs transforming in our actions/feelings about relationships, including the relationship we have with ourselves.
On March 26, 2024 the Moon in Libra will oppose Chiron in Aries at 6:15am edt. This energy is inviting us to heal something that has been impacting our sense of self. In the evening the Moon in Libra will oppose Mercury in Aries at 7:08pm edt, challenging us to aim for diplomacy in our communication.
A useful crystal for this time is blue celestite which brings the energy of deep peace, openness to new experiences and assists in maintaining a harmonious atmosphere in times of stress. (The Crystal Zodiac by Judy Hall p. 111)
Affirm: I balance myself lovingly through my transformations.
Waning Gibbous Moon
The moon will enter its Waning Gibbous phase in the sign of Scorpio on March 29, 2024 at 4:33am edt. The Waning Gibbous Moon invites us to address anything in our expression that could be holding us back from creating our highest selves.
The Moon in Scorpio will trine Neptune in Pisces at 11:39am edt. We have the opportunity to gain deep awareness that can transform our ability to attract what we want to have in our lives.
Smokey Quartz’s energy will promote detoxification and elimination on all levels. (The Crystal Zodiac by Judy Hall)
Affirm: I believe that I have the power to create what I desire.
Last Quarter Moon
The Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn will occur on April 1, 2024 at 11: 42pm edt. This lunar phase is an ideal time to reflect on our accomplishments. Mercury will station retrograde at 6:14pm further signaling the need for self-reflection and revisiting.
On April 2, 2024 at 12:16am edt. the Moon in Capricorn will sextile Saturn in Pisces which will wake our sense of duty and inspire us to see beyond any obstacles to our dreams.
Snow Quartz will provide solid support and encourage us to let go of our burdens enabling us to attune to our deepening wisdom. (The Crystal Zodiac by Judy Hall)
Affirm: I believe in my ability to discern what is possible.
Waning Crescent Moon
On April 5, 2024 at 9:13am, the Moon will enter it’s Waning Crescent phase in the sign of Pisces. When the moon is in its Waning Crescent phase, we are invited to restore and cleanse. The Moon in Pisces will bring opportunities for your intuition to guide your next steps.
On April 6, 2024 the Moon in Pisces will conjunct Saturn in Pisces at 6:10am edt. Our emotional life is more prone to fantasy at this time, so we are being asked to be vigilant regarding knowing what our boundaries are. Venus entered Aries at 12:00am edt on April 5, 2024, and with this aspect as part of the landscape we would be even more wise to use our discernment when it comes to those who ask us for help.
Chiastolite crystal will help alleviate guilt and transmute conflict into harmony. (The Crystal Zodiac by Judy Hall)
Affirm: I believe in my intuition to guide me with setting boundaries.
New Moon in Capricorn Lunar Cycle 2024
New Moon
This post will list all of the content I create related to the New Moon in Capricorn lunar cycle. The New Moon occurred in Capricorn on January 11, 2024 at 6:57am est. This is a time when it is beneficial to visualize our intentions.
The moon trined Uranus (r) in Taurus at 4:36am est signaling that it will be useful to visualize what needs to be done differently to manifest intentions recently made.
Affirm: I have the imagination to change.
Waxing Crescent
The moon will be Waxing Crescent in Pisces on January 14, 2024 at 1:13pm est.
First Quarter
The First Quarter Moon in Aries occurs at 10:32pm est on January 17, 2024. This moon is an ideal time to take action on our plans. This is a time for doing something. We are being invited to confront the tension between what we want and what we must do.
At 3:27pm the moon in Aries trines Venus in Sagittarius helping us to see what the inspired action should be. Actions related to your plans would be most beneficial. We are being cautioned to avoid rash decisions.
Affirm: I AM what I choose to see about me.
Waxing Gibbous
The Moon will be Waxing Gibbous in Gemini on January 21, 2024 at 3:01pm est. The Waxing Gibbous Moon phase is ideal for refining our goals and plans as well as checking in with ourselves.
The Moon will sextile Chiron in Aries at 2:04pm est. We are being invited to put conscious effort toward healing ourselves around sharing our thoughts with others.
Affirm: I am healed when I share what I think.
The moon will spend 8 days in the Waxing Gibbous phase and pass through 2 signs before the full moon on January 25, 2024. The Waxing Gibbous Moon will be in Cancer on January 22, 2024 at 4:50pm.
On January 23, 2024, the Moon in Cancer will oppose Mars in Capricorn (8:44 pm est) and Mercury in Capricorn (8:53 pm est). We are being advised that our emotions will need a healthy outlet or we may end up complicating our lives.
Affirm: I communicate my feelings with integrity.
Full Moon
The Full Moon will occur in Leo on January 25, 2024 at 12:53pm est. This is an ideal time to gather data about our progress on the goals or intentions we set at the beginning of this lunar cycle. The Full Moon in Leo invites us to express ourselves even though we may feel like no one will understand us.
At 3:46 pm est, the Full Moon in Leo will square Jupiter in Taurus. This may show us places where we may have a difficult time getting emotionally aligned with seeing ourselves as able to create resources.
Affirm: I create me.
100 Days Challenge - Days 76 -100
It’s the last leg of the challenge and this post will link to the last 25 pieces of daily content. Check out Days 1 -25, 26 - 50, and 51 - 75. I am set to complete this challenge on January 3, 2024.
Day 76
I shared an affirmation on TikTok that came up for me this weekend.
Day 77
I shared the previous day’s affirmation on YouTube shorts.
Day 78
I shared some information about the new moon in Sagittarius on Tiktok and Instagram.
Day 79
This blog post counts for Day 79. I just noticed that I got a new YouTube subscriber! Whoo hoo!
Day 80
I took a closer look at my stats and noticed that I lost followers on Instagram and X. I gained followers on TikTok. I suspect that these numbers are based on my attempts to amplify the Palestinians. I decided to share a message to the collective of people who support Palestinians and are advocating for them. I shared the message on TikTok first because that is where I got the biggest support for my posts about Gaza.
Day 81
I spent the day baking for my son’s holiday party so today’s content is a video of coconut flour chocolate cupcakes with chocolate Swiss meringue buttercream. I’m proud of myself. They tasted amazing.
Day 82
I made a short of my La Soleil unboxing for YouTube. I can’t wait to use it.
Day 83
Information about the First Quarter Moon in Pisces.
Day 84
I shared my reading from Day 80 on Instagram.
Day 85
Facebook/Meta Reel: I believe in my spirit’s ability to persevere.
Day 86
Day 87
YouTube Short: I believe in my spirit’s ability to persevere.
Day 88
Notes on the Full Moon in Cancer on Facebook/Meta Reels.
Day 89
I shared my reel from the day before on TikTok.
Day 90
I gave an update on why I missed some posts in the Thinking This Inner Circle on Faceboook/Meta.
Day 91
TikTok: I feel my way into my past and return with the key to serenity.
Day 92
TikTok: Notes on the Waning Gibbous Moon in Leo.
Day 93
I missed a day on New Year’s Eve but posted my New Year Wishes the next day on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok.
Day 94
The holidays totally knocked daily posts off my radar and I missed two days. Perhaps schedule in advance for times like this? If I can stay consistent I’ll reach my 100 days on January 10, 2024. Today’s post is a flip through of my January habit trackers. I also shared this video in a facebook/meta group related to the same planner I’m using this year.
Day 95
I shared my January habit trackers on TikTok.
Day 96
A simple reel today informing people that my books are open.
📸 Look at this post on Facebook
Day 97
I shared information on the Waning Crescent Moon
📸 Look at this post on Facebook
Day 98
A picture of my moon mapping notebook showing how I lay out the information in order to write my notes on each lunar phase.
📸 Look at this post on Facebook
Day 99
This an another affirmation related to the latest lunar phase.
I shared yesterday’s affirmation reel on Instagram.
I began this challenge at the end of September. I had expectations of delivering quality empowering content that is guided by my spiritual team. However, this focus shifted dramatically with the genocidal attack on Gaza in Palestine.Then more atrocities came to my attention, Congo, Sudan, Tigray and more!
As I stated in my previous post about this challenge I’ve been reposting and sharing to my stories as much information amplifying the voice of Palestinians as I could. It was often horrifying and without me providing any context. I didn’t know how to make empowering content about this. I didn’t know what to say or suggest. Others did and so I tried to share that too. I will have to learn how to assist as I’m capable.
I can’t believe that this horrible occupation continues and at the same time so proud of the efforts of those actively resisting it. It will soon be 100 days of attack on the people of Gaza. I won’t ever forget them and I will continue sharing until they have their homeland back.
100 Days of Content Days 51 - 75
If you’ve been following me for a while you’ve probably picked up that I’ve been doing a 100 Days Challenge. The challenge is to make a piece of content each day to share on one of my social media channels whether it be my blog, Thinking This Facebook Page, Thinking This Inner Circle Group, thinkingthistarot on Instagram, thinkingthistarot on TikTok or my YouTube channel. I’ve tried numbering them when I would make the content but sometimes I forgot to do that. This list will help you find each one that was posted for the challenge on days 51 - 75. Check out the previous blog posts for days 1 - 25 and days 26 - 50.
Day 51
Today we are starting the second half of the challenge. I have learned a lot about what kind of preparation I need to do in advance in order to post more involved content. There are a lot of videos in my backlog that need editing. I was hoping that this challenge would enable me to complete those works in progress but these videos are going to require better time-management.
I shared yesterday’s grid in Thinking This Inner Circle on Facebook with some additional information that I hadn’t shared in the original post.
Day 52
I’ve been feeling low energy these past few days so today’s content is a simple reel on Instagram reminding people that my books are open.
Day 53
I shared a carousel on Instagram that describes my tarot services.
Day 54
This carousel describes my written tarot relationship readings.
Day 55 - 56
I began this challenge on September 23, 2023. When I began I was unaware of specific world atrocities. Obviously I was awakened to some terrible truths about the world during this challenge. Among them, the fact that Israel would be bombing Palestinian civilians for over 40 days.
After the Prayers for Palestine live my cousin and held, I slowly began to share various videos of Palestinian life on the ground. I would repost these images on my TikTok feed and in my Instagram stories. I didn’t count these as my content because it was not generated to promote my work and business, which was the spirit that I intended when I began this challenge.
I had begun to use a TikTok filter that was fundraising for the Palestinians and was making one daily post using it. I made my daily post using the filter and then ran out of time to make something Thinking This related before the night ended. So I’ll share that post as Day 55 of the challenge. The Filter for Good has maxed out its payout and other creators have put forth other games with the same intent.
Since this blog update is longer than a few sentences and is being added on what would be Day 56 of the challenge, both days are combined in the same entry. When I think about the utter sadness and devastation I have witnessed these past few weeks, I wonder what is the point of even keeping this challenge going? Am I doing the right thing investing this daily time on promoting my business while a genocide is happening? It’s a very existential type of contemplation. I will continue to do something to try to amplify Palestinian voices. I’m going continue the challenge for now because I don’t know what to do instead. I need to keep working if I want this investment to work.
Day 57
This affirmation is meant to clear the mind and relax the nervous system. Grab an aquamarine and feel this vibe.
Day 58
I shared a celestial note in the Thinking This Inner Circle about today’s lunar phase.
Day 59
I made a screen recording of a few moments of my new video unboxing the Oracle of the Angels deck.
Day 60
I was at a loss on what content to prepare so I spontaneously recorded a check in regarding the 100 Days Challenge in the Thinking This Inner Circle on Facebook.
Day 61
Another video for the Thinking This Inner Circle. Join this group if you want a personal connection with the community.
Day 62
I shared a little bit about the full moon in Gemini.
Day 63
I made a Facebook post pointing people to the blog posts discussing the 100 Days of Content Challenge.
Day 64
I made a Facebook reel of a claim I shared in 2020.
📸 Look at this post on Facebook
Day 65
This time I translated the claim to Spanish.
📸 Look at this post on Facebook
Day 66
I shared my December habit trackers on Instagram.
Day 67
I posted the December habit trackers on TikTok.
Day 68
This affirmation was a Facebook post. But it was marked Day 69.
📸 Look at this post on Facebook
Day 69
I am ease in the flow of change. This one was marked Day 70.
Day 70
I shared another claim from the Thinking This archives on TikTok.
Day 71
My husband made a cute procreate illustration of our cat that I posted on Facebook and Instagram.
Day 72
I shared a video my husband made showing his procreate process for our spiritual cat graphic.
Day 73
I decided to share the December trackers on YouTube shorts with music because my ASMR attempt in the previous version didn’t get as much traffic as I normally get.
Day 74
I shared Day 70’s video on YouTube shorts.
Day 75
I received Notebook Therapy’s La Soleil Diary today and had my daughter unbox it.
Check out the posts for Days 76 - 100.
100 Days of Content Days 26 - 50
So the challenge has gotten more challenging. It was a spontaneous decision to start this challenge, I’d only heard about it two days beforehand and had very little time to strategize and prepare. So it looks like I have about 23 days of spontaneous posting before I reach the point of needing things that I’d worked on in advance to get published. Check out the first blog post discussing the 100 days challenge that links to the content I shared during the first 25 days.
I’m learning some things about how I can help myself be successful at consistently making content. The top thing I can recall from these past 26 days is that I need to start my day knowing what the posting strategy will be. There were a few close calls where I didn’t even remember that I was due to post something until my daughter’s bedtime. The other is that I really need to have batch content prepared for when I’m feeling sick or the days I am too busy to work on something.
Day 26
Today the energy levels were also low and I almost let another day pass. I went simple with a video we had in the archives and came through, even if it posted after midnight.
Day 27
This blog post counts for Day 27. I opted for this when my phone died while editing a video I was planning to post.
Day 28
In this TikTok video I share what went wrong with a Chocolate Swiss Meringue Butter Cream.
Day 29
Unfortunately, I did miss a day of posting due traveling and preparing food for a party. But we’re shaking it off and persevering.
Make a grain free pizza with me. Choose the TikTok version or the Instagram version. They each are a little different.
Day 30
I posted great affirmation for increasing your confidence to make good choices on both Instagram TikTok.
Day 31
My cat was super snuggly this morning while I sat in front of my light lamp so I decided to record his purrs.
Day 32
I’ve been working through some big tasks and have been using a herkimer diamond as a crystal ally. I found an affirmation similar to this one in The Book of Stones under the herkimer diamond entry.
Day 33
My books are open for November and made a post announcing that.
Day 34
I baked coconut flour chocolate cupcakes with Swiss meringue buttercream for my son’s Halloween event.
Day 35
I decorated my planner for the month of November so I shared the cover page on Instagram.
Day 36
This is a video of my complete November planner set up. I shared it on YouTube as well.
Day 37
My husband made a procreate process video inspired by one of my favorite declarations- Only Love Prevails.
I shared my November planner video on Instagram with different music.
Day 38
I shared yesterday’s Only Love Prevails video on Instagram. It may seem like a cheat to share the same video as yesterday but since it has different music, it counts for me.
Day 39
I flip through my October habit trackers in this TikTok video. I also shared this on Facebook. (
Day 40
I shared the crystal skulls I’ve been working with this past week in my private Facebook group- Thinking This Inner Circle.
Day 41
Only Love Prevails on TikTok this time. I spent the whole day yesterday on a play date with my daughter and got home late. Then I got side-tracked and forgot to post. I was planning a simple re-share so I am disappointed that I forgot.
Day 42
My cousin Michelle La Mente Maestra and I planned a special event called Prayers for Palestine. It was meant to be held via Zoom and shared to our private group but something about the permissions/settings made it so I had to share it on my main Facebook page instead.
Day 43
I shared deck interview that I frequently use on the Thinking This Meta page.
Day 44
I posted an unboxing and review of Oracle of the Angels by Richard Webster on YouTube.
Day 45
I made a short Facebook post announcing the previous day’s YouTube upload and shared it on TikTok stories.
Day 46
I made an affirmation reel using Iniko’s Jericho.
Day 47
This time I used the music from the Interstellar movie to share my affirmation video on TikTok.
Day 48
I decided to see how my affirmation video would do on YouTube shorts. The video received the most engagement and views on TikTok.
Day 49
While I worked on various content ideas today, I didn’t get to complete them in time, so I went with well wishes for 11/11.
Day 50
Oh man I’m shaking off disappointment right now. I filmed some beautiful footage of my goldstone crystal skulls yesterday. I even caught the sunlight twinkling on one of them. When I went to edit the videos this evening, they were gone. I have until the end of the day to post something.
100 Days of Content
I’ve decided to do a 100 day challenge from September 23, 2023 - December 31, 2023. I will be posting at least one piece of content every day on one of my social media platforms.
My purpose for this challenge is to see if I can develop a sustainable posting schedule without letting any of my social media channels stay idle. My pattern thus far has been to put my energy behind one platform periodically. I’d like to be consistent in all of my content venues. If you’d like me to explore any topics during this challenge, leave a comment and I’ll answer it during these hundred days.
Because these 100 days of content will occur on all my platforms, I’ve decided to create a blog post that will be the repository for it all.
Check out my connect page for links to all of the platforms.
Day 1
In this TikTok video I’m trying to be funny about how Virgo season has impacted me.
This Instagram reel was suggested from a carousel I made in 2020. There is a blog post of it as well.
Day 2
You must join the Thinking This Inner Circle to see this one.
Day 3
This is a quick YouTube short featuring one of my favorite directions of energy- Only Love Prevails, paired with one of my favorite songs.
This is the English version of the Instagram reel from Day 1.
Day 4
When I saw that I could download these Dark Woods Bullet Journal Theme pages from Journal Away, I changed my October cover page just for the skull picture.
Day 5
I made a YouTube short flipping through my planner set up based on the digital stickers I mentioned in Day 4. I love it.
Day 6
My daughter and I went to the MIT Museum with a friend and I paired some of the pictures and video we took with an audio of one of my favorite Abraham Hicks quotes on Instagram.
Day 7
I posted a prayer in honor of Archangel Michael on TikTok.
Day 8
I couldn’t finish the content I’d originally planned to post today so I’ve kept it simple by finally publishing the blog post (this one!) announcing the challenge.
I haven’t decided if I’m going to keep updating this post or make a new post after a certain interval. For now, this is the place to check for updates.
Day 9
A tarot message for the collective shared on TikTok and Facebook.
Day 10
An affirmation I’ve been saying today. I shared it on Instagram with different music.
Day 11
It was a busy low energy day for me so I made a quick post about The Wheel of Time series that I’ve been reading since 2021. I posted this on my very neglected Instagram page, neglected due to my focus on the tarot business content. This was also cross posted to Facebook.
Day 12
A prayer to Archangel Gabriel on my TikTok.
Day 13
Rune divination for Thinking This Inner Circle.
Day 14
I posted a photo on Instagram of how I like to break the moon phases down in a lunar cycle.
Day 15
Instagram suggested a reel for my Goal Setting with the Moon carousel. I was working on content for the lunar cycle starting on October 14 and ended up just letting this one count, even though it’s technically not a new piece of content.
Day 16
I shared a picture of my tarot journal with my entry showing The Seven Card Spiral Spread.
Day 17
My son and I watched The Exorcist (his first time) while I baked chocolate chip cookies.
Day 18
I had to “cheat” and post something from earlier this year. Even though it’s not the same platform, I have to stop myself from feeling like I got by on a technicality. That said, this is a beautiful crystal grid with a timeless sentiment.
Day 19
I posted an affirmation on my Facebook page that I was contemplating while writing my content for the coming Libra new moon.
Day 20
I made a video explaining the limitations that I have on my schedule and why sometimes my books aren’t open.
Day 21
It was the night of my Facebook Live event. Check it out, it will only be available for 30 days.
Day 22
I made a post stating my desire for the end of colonization and genocide in Palestine.
Day 23
I wrote an affirmation for the New Moon in Libra cycle. I shared it on both Instagram and TikTok.
Day 24
I made a YouTube short with the books I’m about to start.
Day 25
I missed one day because I felt sick and forgot to post. I posted a TikTok story earlier in the day for fun and didn’t think it should count. After a few days of consideration, I decided that it fits the parameters that I’d initially set out- once piece of content on one of my platforms. Since it’s a story there is no link but I saved the photo so here it is.
AI FilteR“
Marijuana GODDESS”
The challenge continues days 26 - 50 can be found in this post.
Asimilando La Luna Cuarto Menguante en el Signo de Libra
La luna cuarto menguante estará en el signo de Libra desde el 14 de enero, 2023 hasta el 15 de enero, 2023
La luna entra en su fase de cuarto menguante en Libra el 14 de enero de 2023 a las 9:10 p. m., hora del este. El período del último cuarto de luna es un momento de pausa, desaceleración y liberación. Si es posible, sería beneficioso tomarse el tiempo para el autocuidado y la autorregulación. Todos necesitamos periodos de descanso. Date unos minutos y asóciate contigo mismo.
Cuando me sintonicé con la energía de esta fase lunar y sus aspectos, las siguientes afirmaciones surgieron como útiles para este momento:
“Equilibrio el anhelo y el afecto con armonía.”
“Sé lo que necesito para sanar.
“Sé que mi anhelo está alineado con mi propósito”.
Creé una cuadrícula de cristal y la compartí en Instagram para ayudar a la colectiva a integrar estas energías en lo que Libra nos lleva por la fase lunar menguante. Utilize cristales esféricos cuando possible para representar la energía lunar en general.
Cuadrícula de cristal para asistir que la colectiva asimile las energías que ocurren durante la luna cuarto menguante en Libra.
La siguiente es una lista de los cristales que contiene, así como el propósito energético que cumplen en esta formación.
- Cuarzo claro: calavera de cristal y merkaba; Usé principalmente estos como marcador de posición para los cristales que mi investigación me señaló pero que no poseo. Por ejemplo, no tenía una turquesa verde aunque tenía una pieza azul. Le pedí a los cristales de cuarzo que trajeran esa energía única.
- Sodalita: caída; sirve de guía para los viajes interiores. Perfecta para la contemplación a la que se presta la fase cuarto menguante.
- Aguamarina: hexagonal; ayuda en la creación de un entorno armonioso.
- Turquesa: pieza en bruto; ayuda a la integración de aspectos dispares y promueve la serenidad, la paz y la vitalidad.
- Ojo de tigre rojo: esfera; ayuda con la claridad mental y apoya al cuerpo físico.
- Opalite: piedra de palma; representa la energía lunar de Libra.
- Cuarzo rosa: calavera, corazón y esferas de cristal; fomenta el amor propio y promueve la paz y la armonía.
- Amatista: calavera y corazón de cristal; ayuda a poner en práctica el sentido común.
- Pirita: esferas; aumentan la confianza
La luna permanecerá en Libra hasta el 15 de enero de 2023, así que date tiempo para asimilar lo que ha traído este ciclo pasado y lo que quieres esperar en la luna nueva de enero del 21.