Finding the Balance Between Logic and Fear- June 2020

June 2020’s messages were sparse because as I said in my last recap, I started the month at the edge of my seat with the rest of the world and ended up doing a lot of personal work. The second half of the month had me reorganizing my personal space and spiritual practice.

With four planets retrograde in June, I found myself creating and adjusting routines and creating more structure and intentionally in my life.

With all of this massive restructuring the collective was advised not to pick up more than we could carry. We were assured that the world would come forward to support us and were advised to find the balance between logic and fear. The statement that has helped me the most during this time has been, “I am the creation of me. I am in trust of all of my energy.”

Be sure to follow me at Thinking This on Facebook where I’ll be going live on August 8, 2020 with free readings and giving away magical tools. Keep up with me on IG and Twitter to get messages that will support your personal empowerment though July and beyond.