Goal Setting With the Moon- Waxing Gibbous
This blog series is intended to support you in setting goals in alignment with the 28 day lunar cycle. See the first post in this series if you haven’t already. And stay tuned to the blog as I’ll be making more posts providing more information on how to work with each of the moon’s phases.
What you put out comes trickling back. Refine ideas and plans based on this information.
Waxing Gibbous Moon
Day 11-12
Day 13 -15
This is when your plant or sprout starts poking through the soil. It’s time to find the answers to the detailed questions that your initial research/work uncovered.
Ask yourself:
- Is there anything I still need to know?
- Is there anything I’m missing?
In our example, the waxing gibbous moon will pass through both Leo and Virgo (March 23 - March 27, 2021). The two days the moon is in Leo are great to get the bulk of the creative work related to your goal completed.
When the moon goes into Virgo (March 25, 2021), it will be a perfect time for editing and adding the finishing touches and details to what you have so far. Don’t let Virgo’s perfectionist shadow convince you that you or your work are not good enough. Put forward what you have in confidence.
Be sure to come back to the blog on March 27th, where I’ll share guidance on the next moon phase- the Full Moon. Check out the previous post in this series which discusses goal setting with the First Quarter Moon.