Energetic Cycle Update for 2021
Tarot and oracle card guidance for the collective for the rest of the (two-year) energetic cycle ending February 2022. Healing messages from Archangel Metatron and the Andara Kingdom.
Sowing Victory
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⬆️⬇️ 1- The Magician-Master of All That Is Seen⬆️⬇️
🌒🌕🌘 2- The High Priestess- Master of All That Is Unseen 🌒🌕🌘
🎋 6 of Wands- Sowing Victory 🎋
The divine masculine and divine feminine are in perfect alignment for victory. Delve into these archetypes and see them as a part of you that is putting its best self into your mission.
The Magician controls the gaze and directs attention and focus for the creation. The High Priestess controls the unseen and attracts what the focus and attention has been vibrating into the creation.
📸 White number 1 in the center of a circle made of intersecting lines on an orange-red background. Underneath in black gothic type it says, “The Magician”. Underneath that in smaller type face with white letters it reads, “Master of all that is seen.”
📸 White number 2 in the center of a circle made of intersecting lines on an orange-red background. Underneath in black gothic type it says, “The High Priestess”. Underneath that in a smaller type face with white letters it reads, “Master of all that is unseen.”
📸 White number 6 in the center of a circle made of intersecting lines on an orange-red background. Underneath in gray gothic type it says, “of Wands”. Underneath that in smaller type face with gray letters it reads, “Sowing Victory.”
📸 A circle made of intersecting lines on a maroon background with orange text that says, “The divine masculine and divine feminine are in perfect alignment for victory. Delve into these archetypes and see them as a part of you that is putting its best self into your mission.” At the top and bottom of the frame is the Thinking This “double t” logo.
📸 Photograph of The Magician tarot card from The Tarot of the Witches. The magician is wearing a pointy hat and long pointy beard. A filter gives the whole image a sepia hue. In a maroon rectangle in light orange text it reads, “The Magician controls the gaze and directs attention and focus for the creation.”
📸 Photograph of The High Priestess tarot card from The Tarot of the Witches. The High Priestess has long black hair and a green gown with stars on the bottom of it. A filter gives the whole image a green-brown hue. A magenta rectangle across the middle of the card with orange text reads, “The High Priestess controls the unseen and attracts what the focus and attention has been vibrating into the creation.”
📸 Photograph of the 6 of Wands tarot card from The Tarot of the Witches. The card has a circle in the middle with a fist breaking a stick. Surrounding the circle are stripped wands, two above and 4 below. In black type “IV” is at the bottom of the card. A filter gives the whole image a sepia hue. A maroon rectangle aligned to the left center of the image with orange text says, “Sowing Victory”.
📸 Photograph of 2 black crystal skulls next to each other with a green-brown filter. Intersecting lines form a circle in the center of the image. Thinking This logo with see-through gothic letters on a red ribbon background in the center of the circle. Red text with “Only Love Prevails” is underneath the logo.
I am ease in the flow of change
Eterna 💀 with The Wheel of Fortune card from The World Spirit Tarot
☸️10- Wheel Of Fortune- Abundance, Prosperity, Fortune ☸️
The full moon will be in Pisces until September 3, 2020, 20:22 edt. The Wheel of Fortune reminds us that this is the culmination of a cycle. When this cycle first began there were a lot of dreams. Evaluate which ones came true. Which ones need you to give them another spin?
Decisions made here will be impactful for years to come. Be centered and integrated as you make these decisions and you will enjoy the results.
Claim: I am ease in the flow of change.
(Image shows an ocean blue obsidian crystal skull on a teal patterned background that has gold and black suns and moons. The Wheel of Fortune card from The World Spirit Tarot is below the crystal skull. Fuchsia text on a black rectangle that reads “I am ease in the flow of change,” is placed between the skull and tarot card.)
Soy la facilidad en el flujo del cambio
Eterna 💀 y La Rueda de Fortuna del Tarot Místico Universal
☸️10- La Rueda de Fortuna- Abundancia, Prosperidad, Fortuna ☸️
La luna llena estará en el signo de Piscis hasta las 20:22 edt el 3 de septiembre, 2020. La rueda de fortuna nos recuerda que esta es la culminación de un ciclo. Cuando comenzó este ciclo habían muchos sueños. Evalúa cuáles se hicieron realidad. ¿Cuáles necesitan que se les dé otra vuelta?
Las decisiones tomadas aquí serán impactantes en los próximos años. Seas calmada/o e integrada/o al tomar estas decisiones, y te encantarán los resultados.
Afirma: Soy la facilidad en el flujo del cambio.
(El imagen muestra una calavera de cristal hecha de obsidiana azul sobre un fondo estampado en verde azulado que tiene soles y lunas dorados y negros. La carta de la Rueda de la Fortuna del Tarot Místico Universal está debajo de la calavera de cristal. Texto azul en un rectángulo negro que dice, “Soy la facilidad en el flujo del cambio,” se coloca entre la calavera y la carta del tarot.)
Ahora Es Tu Momento
Jotaro 💀 y el Ace de Discos de El Thoth Tarot Deck.
🥇Ace de Discos- Éxito 🥇
El flujo de energía está creando crecimiento y expansión. Este es el momento preciso para poner en marcha tus planes.
¿Ya hiciste planes? Si no es así, tómate un día para darles estructura y luego, da el primer paso. Ahora es tu momento.
(Imagen de una grande calavera de cristal esculpida de jaspe de limón, sobre un fondo de terciopelo rojo con rayas amarillas bordadas. Chispas blancas brillan en la pantalla con las palabras “Ahora es tu momento” escritas. El Ace de Discos de Las Barajas de Tarot de Thoth (Thoth Tarot Deck) se muestra debajo de la calavera.)
Your Time Is Now
Jotaro 💀 and the Ace of Discs from the Thoth Tarot Deck.
🥇Ace of Disks- Success 🥇
The flow of energy is creating growth and expansion. This is the perfect time to put your plans into motion.
Have you made plans yet? If not, take a day to give them structure then take the first step. Your time is now.
(Image of a large lemon jasper crystal skull on a red velvet background with yellow, embroidered, rays. White sparkles across the screen with the words “Your Time Is Now” written.The Ace of Disks from the Thoth Tarot Deck is shown below the skull.)
Mantente Fuerte
Eterna 💀 y el 10 de Bastos del World Spirit Tarot, un corazón hecho de selenita
🎋10 de Bastos - La Ruina🎋
La primera fase del ciclo energético está llegando a su fin. Encuesta lo que queda. Es posible que necesitarás comenzar desde el principio justo cuando pensabas que lo tenías todo resuelto.
Faltaba algo crucial y tendrás que asegurarte de incluirlo en esto. Mantente Fuerte.
Afirma: Estoy segura/o de amar a los demás y estoy segura/o de recibir el amor que otros tienen por mí.
El Mundo Se Presentará Para Apoyarte
-🏅2 de Oros- Mantenido la Orden🏅
-🎋5 de Bastos- Desiciones, Juego de Poder (invertido)🎋
-🎋3 de Bastos- Metas de Larga Vista (invertido)🎋
-🎋2 de Bastos- El Sparring, La Competición (invertido)🎋
-🏅3 de Oros- Pensando Fuera la Caja🏅
El momento de elevarnos hacia un nuevo punto de vista está con nosotros. Tenemos la opción de enredarnos en las luchas que nos rodean o elegir enfocar nuestra visión en lo que realmente podemos hacer.
Toma tiempo para resolver esto, y seas valiente cuando llegue el momento de tomar acción. Ayudar a otros en este momento nos permite a todos elevarnos, pero también tienes que equilibrar tus propias necesidades. No estás destinada/o a terminar al revés en esto. El mundo se presentará para apoyarte.