New Moon in Aries Lunar Cycle 2024
My notes about which aspects I’m looking taking a closer look at in my moon mapping notebook.
New Moon
On April 8, 2024 2:20pm edt, the New Moon in Aries will eclipse the Sun signaling a time of major change and new beginnings. The New Moon invites us to visualize our intentions. How do we want our outcome to feel?The Moon will also be conjunct Chiron in Aries at 2:21pm edt, providing an opportunity to heal something we’ve longed to redefine.
Use Jasper to help you understand the difference between assertion and aggression (The Crystal Zodiac by Judy Hall).
Affirm: I am healed.
Waxing Crescent Moon
On April 11, 2024 the moon will be Waxing Crescent in Gemini at 10:06pm edt. This phase invites us to plan the actions we must take to achieve our goals. At 12:22pm edt the Moon in Gemini will trine Pluto in Aquarius. The energy of this aspect could inspire us to see who our highest selves can be. Our thoughts will easily be in harmony for this experience.
A useful crystal for this phase is apophyllite which promotes introspection and assists us in recognizing our own true selves (The Crystal Zodiac by Judy Hall).
Affirm: I know how to transcend my distress to see the truth.
First Quarter Moon
The moon entered its First Quarter phase in the sign of Cancer at 3:13pm edt. The First Quarter Moon is an ideal time to take action on our plans.
New Moon in Pisces Lunar Cycle 2024
New Moon
The New Moon occurred in Pisces on March 10, 2024 at 5:00am edt.
Waxing Crescent Moon
The Waxing Crescent Moon occurred in Taurus on March 13, 2024 at 10:32am edt.
First Quarter Moon
The First Quarter Moon occurred in Gemini on March 17, 2024 at 12:10am edt. This moon will inspire us to give a lot of thought to what we project to the world and the tension we may feel around how that is received. The First Quarter Moon will then enter Cancer at 5:40am edt.
The moon will be trining two planets in Pisces during this time, inspiring us to grow and expand in mystical matters or realizations around the things we love and desire. It will also ask us to consider how our discipline can be integrated with with our intuition to assist us with our expansion.
At 7:54pm edt the moon will be in Cancer and will trine Venus in Pisces. This aspect invites us to dig deep to answer questions about what needs to be uncovered that will provide insights to assist our inner work. We are called to see how our desires and intuition could work together to promote our expansion.
On March 18, 2024 the First Quarter Moon in Cancer will trine Saturn in Pisces at 4:29am edt. We are called to assess our perspectives and how they influence our inner peace. Inner child work might help us undo emotional barriers to our spiritual progression.
Affirm: I feel my way to the experiences that support my expansion.
Waxing Gibbous Moon
The Moon will enter its Waxing Gibbous phase on March 20, 2024 at 11:27pm edt. When the Leo moon is in its Waxing Gibbous phase we are invited to refine our ideas and plans based on the information that we have been gathering since the New Moon in Pisces on March 10. The Waxing Gibbous Moon in Leo is squaring 2 planets while in this phase. On March 20, 2024 at 9:34pm edt it will square Jupiter in Taurus where we are being invited to maintain creativity and courage while confronting the strain of available resources and making the most of the available opportunities. We may feel tempted to give up or deny challenges but we must continue to push forward.
On March 21, 2024 the Moon in Leo will square Uranus in Taurus at 8:06am edt. We are asked to channel our creativity in unique ways to secure resources. We may be frustrated when it doesn’t come as easy as it usually does has but if we summon our courage and trust in ourselves, we can find innovative ways to succeed.
Affirm: I will persevere in creating stability for myself.
Full Moon
On March 25th, 2024 at 3:00am edt, the Full Moon in Libra will experience a lunar eclipse. There may be some tension between what we desire regarding connection and our need to feel independent and fulfill our individual needs. This provides an opportunity to consider what needs transforming in our actions/feelings about relationships, including the relationship we have with ourselves.
On March 26, 2024 the Moon in Libra will oppose Chiron in Aries at 6:15am edt. This energy is inviting us to heal something that has been impacting our sense of self. In the evening the Moon in Libra will oppose Mercury in Aries at 7:08pm edt, challenging us to aim for diplomacy in our communication.
A useful crystal for this time is blue celestite which brings the energy of deep peace, openness to new experiences and assists in maintaining a harmonious atmosphere in times of stress. (The Crystal Zodiac by Judy Hall p. 111)
Affirm: I balance myself lovingly through my transformations.
Waning Gibbous Moon
The moon will enter its Waning Gibbous phase in the sign of Scorpio on March 29, 2024 at 4:33am edt. The Waning Gibbous Moon invites us to address anything in our expression that could be holding us back from creating our highest selves.
The Moon in Scorpio will trine Neptune in Pisces at 11:39am edt. We have the opportunity to gain deep awareness that can transform our ability to attract what we want to have in our lives.
Smokey Quartz’s energy will promote detoxification and elimination on all levels. (The Crystal Zodiac by Judy Hall)
Affirm: I believe that I have the power to create what I desire.
Last Quarter Moon
The Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn will occur on April 1, 2024 at 11: 42pm edt. This lunar phase is an ideal time to reflect on our accomplishments. Mercury will station retrograde at 6:14pm further signaling the need for self-reflection and revisiting.
On April 2, 2024 at 12:16am edt. the Moon in Capricorn will sextile Saturn in Pisces which will wake our sense of duty and inspire us to see beyond any obstacles to our dreams.
Snow Quartz will provide solid support and encourage us to let go of our burdens enabling us to attune to our deepening wisdom. (The Crystal Zodiac by Judy Hall)
Affirm: I believe in my ability to discern what is possible.
Waning Crescent Moon
On April 5, 2024 at 9:13am, the Moon will enter it’s Waning Crescent phase in the sign of Pisces. When the moon is in its Waning Crescent phase, we are invited to restore and cleanse. The Moon in Pisces will bring opportunities for your intuition to guide your next steps.
On April 6, 2024 the Moon in Pisces will conjunct Saturn in Pisces at 6:10am edt. Our emotional life is more prone to fantasy at this time, so we are being asked to be vigilant regarding knowing what our boundaries are. Venus entered Aries at 12:00am edt on April 5, 2024, and with this aspect as part of the landscape we would be even more wise to use our discernment when it comes to those who ask us for help.
Chiastolite crystal will help alleviate guilt and transmute conflict into harmony. (The Crystal Zodiac by Judy Hall)
Affirm: I believe in my intuition to guide me with setting boundaries.
New Moon in Capricorn Lunar Cycle 2024
New Moon
This post will list all of the content I create related to the New Moon in Capricorn lunar cycle. The New Moon occurred in Capricorn on January 11, 2024 at 6:57am est. This is a time when it is beneficial to visualize our intentions.
The moon trined Uranus (r) in Taurus at 4:36am est signaling that it will be useful to visualize what needs to be done differently to manifest intentions recently made.
Affirm: I have the imagination to change.
Waxing Crescent
The moon will be Waxing Crescent in Pisces on January 14, 2024 at 1:13pm est.
First Quarter
The First Quarter Moon in Aries occurs at 10:32pm est on January 17, 2024. This moon is an ideal time to take action on our plans. This is a time for doing something. We are being invited to confront the tension between what we want and what we must do.
At 3:27pm the moon in Aries trines Venus in Sagittarius helping us to see what the inspired action should be. Actions related to your plans would be most beneficial. We are being cautioned to avoid rash decisions.
Affirm: I AM what I choose to see about me.
Waxing Gibbous
The Moon will be Waxing Gibbous in Gemini on January 21, 2024 at 3:01pm est. The Waxing Gibbous Moon phase is ideal for refining our goals and plans as well as checking in with ourselves.
The Moon will sextile Chiron in Aries at 2:04pm est. We are being invited to put conscious effort toward healing ourselves around sharing our thoughts with others.
Affirm: I am healed when I share what I think.
The moon will spend 8 days in the Waxing Gibbous phase and pass through 2 signs before the full moon on January 25, 2024. The Waxing Gibbous Moon will be in Cancer on January 22, 2024 at 4:50pm.
On January 23, 2024, the Moon in Cancer will oppose Mars in Capricorn (8:44 pm est) and Mercury in Capricorn (8:53 pm est). We are being advised that our emotions will need a healthy outlet or we may end up complicating our lives.
Affirm: I communicate my feelings with integrity.
Full Moon
The Full Moon will occur in Leo on January 25, 2024 at 12:53pm est. This is an ideal time to gather data about our progress on the goals or intentions we set at the beginning of this lunar cycle. The Full Moon in Leo invites us to express ourselves even though we may feel like no one will understand us.
At 3:46 pm est, the Full Moon in Leo will square Jupiter in Taurus. This may show us places where we may have a difficult time getting emotionally aligned with seeing ourselves as able to create resources.
Affirm: I create me.
Asimilando La Luna Cuarto Menguante en el Signo de Libra
La luna cuarto menguante estará en el signo de Libra desde el 14 de enero, 2023 hasta el 15 de enero, 2023
La luna entra en su fase de cuarto menguante en Libra el 14 de enero de 2023 a las 9:10 p. m., hora del este. El período del último cuarto de luna es un momento de pausa, desaceleración y liberación. Si es posible, sería beneficioso tomarse el tiempo para el autocuidado y la autorregulación. Todos necesitamos periodos de descanso. Date unos minutos y asóciate contigo mismo.
Cuando me sintonicé con la energía de esta fase lunar y sus aspectos, las siguientes afirmaciones surgieron como útiles para este momento:
“Equilibrio el anhelo y el afecto con armonía.”
“Sé lo que necesito para sanar.
“Sé que mi anhelo está alineado con mi propósito”.
Creé una cuadrícula de cristal y la compartí en Instagram para ayudar a la colectiva a integrar estas energías en lo que Libra nos lleva por la fase lunar menguante. Utilize cristales esféricos cuando possible para representar la energía lunar en general.
Cuadrícula de cristal para asistir que la colectiva asimile las energías que ocurren durante la luna cuarto menguante en Libra.
La siguiente es una lista de los cristales que contiene, así como el propósito energético que cumplen en esta formación.
- Cuarzo claro: calavera de cristal y merkaba; Usé principalmente estos como marcador de posición para los cristales que mi investigación me señaló pero que no poseo. Por ejemplo, no tenía una turquesa verde aunque tenía una pieza azul. Le pedí a los cristales de cuarzo que trajeran esa energía única.
- Sodalita: caída; sirve de guía para los viajes interiores. Perfecta para la contemplación a la que se presta la fase cuarto menguante.
- Aguamarina: hexagonal; ayuda en la creación de un entorno armonioso.
- Turquesa: pieza en bruto; ayuda a la integración de aspectos dispares y promueve la serenidad, la paz y la vitalidad.
- Ojo de tigre rojo: esfera; ayuda con la claridad mental y apoya al cuerpo físico.
- Opalite: piedra de palma; representa la energía lunar de Libra.
- Cuarzo rosa: calavera, corazón y esferas de cristal; fomenta el amor propio y promueve la paz y la armonía.
- Amatista: calavera y corazón de cristal; ayuda a poner en práctica el sentido común.
- Pirita: esferas; aumentan la confianza
La luna permanecerá en Libra hasta el 15 de enero de 2023, así que date tiempo para asimilar lo que ha traído este ciclo pasado y lo que quieres esperar en la luna nueva de enero del 21.
Assimilating the Last Quarter Moon in Libra
Last Quarter Moon in Libra January 14, 2023 - January 15, 2023
The moon enters its last quarter phase in Libra on January 14, 2023 9:10pm eastern time. The last quarter moon period is a time of pausing, slowing down and releasing. If it’s possible, it would be beneficial to take the time for self-nurturing and self-regulation. We all need periodic rest periods. Give yourself a few minutes and partner with yourself.
When I tuned into the energy of this lunar phase and it’s aspects, the following affirmations came up as helpful for this time:
“I balance longing and affection harmoniously.”
“I know what I need in order to heal.
“I know that my longing is aligned with my purpose.”
I created a grid and shared it as a reel on Instagram in order to assist the collective in integrating these energies as Libra takes us into the waning crescent lunar phase. I used spherical crystals whenever possible to represent lunar energy overall. The following is a list of the crystals this grid contains as well as the energetic purpose they are serving in this formation.
Crystal grid to assist the collective in assimilating the energies occurring during the last quarter moon in Libra.
- Clear quartz: crystal skull and merkaba; I mostly used these a placeholder for crystals that my research points me to but that I don’t own. For instance, I didn’t have a green turquoise even though I had a blue piece. I asked the quartz crystals to bring that unique energy in.
- Sodalite: tumble; serves as a guide for inner travels. Perfect for the contemplation that the last quarter lends itself to.
- Aquamarine: hexagonal; assists in the creating of harmonious surroundings.
- Turquoise: raw piece; helps with the integration of disparate aspects and promotes serenity, peace and vitality.
- Red tiger eye: sphere; assists with mental clarity and supporting the physical body.
- Opalite: palm stone; represents the Libra moon energy.
- Rose quartz: crystal skull, heart and spheres; encourages self love and promotes peace and harmony.
- Amethyst: crystal skull and heart; assists in putting common sense into practice.
- Pyrite: spheres; increase confidence.
The moon will stay in Libra until January 15, 2023, so give yourself the time to assimilate what this past cycle has brought and what you want to look forward to on January’s new moon on the 21st.