Goal Setting With the Moon Series
Following the carousel that I posted on Instagram last month, I decided to go into more detail about how one could go about setting goals across a moon cycle. We’ll be using the lunar cycle that begins with new moon in Pisces as our example for this series, but these steps could be applied to any of the lunar cycles.
There are 8 phases in each moon cycle. Each phase lasts approximately two and a half days. The entire moon cycle is 28 days.
The Moon does not produce illumination. The moon is a mirror, reflecting the sun’s light. In this phase we can barely see the moon’s outline because the earth is in front of the moon, blocking the sun’s light.
The New Moon
Day 1 or Day 29
The New Moon (Day 1 or Day 29)
Start with the new moon. Imagine your intentions (seeds) are germinating underneath the soil. Make new moon wishes, start new projects.
Ideal goals to begin when the new moon is in Pisces tend to relate to esoteric subjects but you can choose any subject or goal that you’re called to. If your goal is to write a book, start your outline when the moon is new.
If I were to start a project when the moon was in Pisces, I would probably involve esoteric elements. Perhaps I would do some meditation and incense, or a bubble bath or cleansing bath before sitting down to brainstorm. Pisces energy is very prone to creative downloads so you may be called to just dump your thoughts on a page. Let it out, you can refine and organize later.
The new moon is geared to brainstorming and getting those ideas out now. Spend the next two days being open to new information about your goal. The Picsean energy needs time to let the vibrations soak in. Remember your new moon wishes and be sure you make some related to your goal. Spend time visualizing and feeling into what you want to experience. Visualize yourself doing the things you will have to do to achieve your goal.
If you are wanting to add some structure to organize your thoughts see if there are journaling prompts or workbooks that could help. Educate yourself about how to set SMART goals if you aren’t familiar. Try using an amethyst crystal to amplify the creative Picsean energy.
Key Questions to Ask Yourself:
- What experiences should I be aware of to create more of what I want?
- What new habits could I adopt that would increase my capabilities to achieve my goal?
- Is there something I need to complete that would make achieving this goal easier?
Be sure to come back to the blog on March 15th, where I’ll share guidance on the next moon phase- Waxing Crescent.