Assimilating the Last Quarter Moon in Libra
Last Quarter Moon in Libra January 14, 2023 - January 15, 2023
The moon enters its last quarter phase in Libra on January 14, 2023 9:10pm eastern time. The last quarter moon period is a time of pausing, slowing down and releasing. If it’s possible, it would be beneficial to take the time for self-nurturing and self-regulation. We all need periodic rest periods. Give yourself a few minutes and partner with yourself.
When I tuned into the energy of this lunar phase and it’s aspects, the following affirmations came up as helpful for this time:
“I balance longing and affection harmoniously.”
“I know what I need in order to heal.
“I know that my longing is aligned with my purpose.”
I created a grid and shared it as a reel on Instagram in order to assist the collective in integrating these energies as Libra takes us into the waning crescent lunar phase. I used spherical crystals whenever possible to represent lunar energy overall. The following is a list of the crystals this grid contains as well as the energetic purpose they are serving in this formation.
Crystal grid to assist the collective in assimilating the energies occurring during the last quarter moon in Libra.
- Clear quartz: crystal skull and merkaba; I mostly used these a placeholder for crystals that my research points me to but that I don’t own. For instance, I didn’t have a green turquoise even though I had a blue piece. I asked the quartz crystals to bring that unique energy in.
- Sodalite: tumble; serves as a guide for inner travels. Perfect for the contemplation that the last quarter lends itself to.
- Aquamarine: hexagonal; assists in the creating of harmonious surroundings.
- Turquoise: raw piece; helps with the integration of disparate aspects and promotes serenity, peace and vitality.
- Red tiger eye: sphere; assists with mental clarity and supporting the physical body.
- Opalite: palm stone; represents the Libra moon energy.
- Rose quartz: crystal skull, heart and spheres; encourages self love and promotes peace and harmony.
- Amethyst: crystal skull and heart; assists in putting common sense into practice.
- Pyrite: spheres; increase confidence.
The moon will stay in Libra until January 15, 2023, so give yourself the time to assimilate what this past cycle has brought and what you want to look forward to on January’s new moon on the 21st.
I Choose the Highest Understanding
James the crystal skull and the 8 of Swords and Justice cards from the World Spirit Tarot
-🗡8 of Swords- Interference🗡
There are two kinds of “willful blindness”. The one where your energy is bound and surpressed- you cannot see the dangers. You are ill-prepared for the path ahead because your wisdom and/or skill have yet to be unbound.
The other kind of “willful blindness” comes from a more secure place. In this case, clarity of thought is so important that one must willfully choose to blind ourselves from information that could distort that clarity of thought and keep you from knowing the highest understanding.
How are you exerting your will?
Claim: “I choose the highest understanding.”
Remember this is not about what you see in the mirror/ box/ screen/ portal. This is about what you see with your intuition.
Cultivate Your Divine Power
Rocky 💀, the crystal skull, and The Magician from the World Spirit Tarot
⬆️⬇️1- The Magician ⬇️⬆️
It’s time to cultivate your divine power. You’ve done your thinking. You know what needs addressing. Set the intention and and get to work. Out of all the humans on earth, you are divinely qualified to be the creator of you. Now go make some magic!
Follow Up With Opportunities Presented
Agatha 💀 the crystal skull and cards from The World Spirit Tarot
-🍷6 of Cups- Sanctuary/ Pleasure🍷
-🏅Ace of Pentacles- Fertility/ Grounded, Practical Organized🏅
Talk to your friends. They have opportunities that you need to be made aware of. It’s time to call in a favor or offer a favor. These interactions will be fruitful for all involved parties so follow up with the opportunities that are presented to you. This is a time to be grounded and organized so that you may experience success.
Take The Time To Create
🗡4 of Swords - Retreat 🗡
The focus is currently on the physical body. What does yours need to heal? What are you doing for your mind so that it can get out of the way and allow the body to do what it must?
There is likely a lot of pressure to meet the same standards as before. You must discern what is truly vital for survival versus the patterns you used to engage in that you’ve been convinced are vital. It’s time to start living for a new normal. Take the time to create it.