Think Before You Say Yes
Crystal skull Agatha 💀 (made from labradorite) and the 8 of Wands from The World Spirit Tarot.
🎋8 of Wands- Opportunities🎋
There are a lot of messages coming in but not all of them will be actionable. Some of them would feel infinitely satisfying to act upon. We are being warned that the temptation to go after short-term satisfaction will be high. Play the long game and remember what the ultimate goal is.
A core belief around caretaking presents itself for balancing. When you are honest about wanting the best outcomes for all, there is no room for false hopes, false promises, or loose boundaries. Think before you say, “Yes”, in the next few days.
Claim: I give and receive toward the highest good of all.
Stay Strong
Enterna 💀 and the 10 of Wands from the World Spirit Tarot, selenite crystal heart
🎋10 of Wands- Ruin🎋
Phase one of the energetic cycle is coming to a close. Survey what is left. You may need to start from the very beginning just when you thought you had it all figured out.
Something crucial is missing and you have to be sure to include it in this do over. Stay strong.
Claim: I am safe to love others and I am safe to receive the love others have for me.
The World Will Come Forward To Support You
Mórrígan Mojave 💀 and multiple cards from the Crow Tarot.
-🏅2 of Pentacles- Maintaining Order🏅
-🎋5 of Wands- Decisions, Power Play (reversed)🎋
-🎋3 of Wands- Long Term Goals 🎋
-🎋2 of Wands- Sparring, Competition 🎋
-🏅3 of Pentacles- Thinking Outside the Box🏅
The time of rising above to a new vantage point is upon us. We have a choice to get caught up in the strife around us or choose to focus our vision on what we can actually do.
Take your time figuring this out, and be bold when the time for action comes. You helping others at this time allows all of us to elevate but you must balance your own needs as well. You are not meant to end up “upside down” in any of this. The world will come forward to support you.
I Choose the Highest Understanding
James the crystal skull and the 8 of Swords and Justice cards from the World Spirit Tarot
-🗡8 of Swords- Interference🗡
There are two kinds of “willful blindness”. The one where your energy is bound and surpressed- you cannot see the dangers. You are ill-prepared for the path ahead because your wisdom and/or skill have yet to be unbound.
The other kind of “willful blindness” comes from a more secure place. In this case, clarity of thought is so important that one must willfully choose to blind ourselves from information that could distort that clarity of thought and keep you from knowing the highest understanding.
How are you exerting your will?
Claim: “I choose the highest understanding.”
Remember this is not about what you see in the mirror/ box/ screen/ portal. This is about what you see with your intuition.
Cultivate Your Divine Power
Rocky 💀, the crystal skull, and The Magician from the World Spirit Tarot
⬆️⬇️1- The Magician ⬇️⬆️
It’s time to cultivate your divine power. You’ve done your thinking. You know what needs addressing. Set the intention and and get to work. Out of all the humans on earth, you are divinely qualified to be the creator of you. Now go make some magic!
Creative Force Awaits Your Direction
Master Lee 💀, the crystal skull and The Emperor card from World Spirit Tarot
-👑The Emperor 👑
You are in the ideal position to create all of the things you’ve wanted. Your intuition is active and your creative force awaits your direction. Ignore the onlookers criticizing. They aren’t on your level so they can’t understand what you see. Trust that you have the answer and direct your energy.
Take The Time To Create
🗡4 of Swords - Retreat 🗡
The focus is currently on the physical body. What does yours need to heal? What are you doing for your mind so that it can get out of the way and allow the body to do what it must?
There is likely a lot of pressure to meet the same standards as before. You must discern what is truly vital for survival versus the patterns you used to engage in that you’ve been convinced are vital. It’s time to start living for a new normal. Take the time to create it.