The World Will Come Forward To Support You
Mórrígan Mojave 💀 and multiple cards from the Crow Tarot.
-🏅2 of Pentacles- Maintaining Order🏅
-🎋5 of Wands- Decisions, Power Play (reversed)🎋
-🎋3 of Wands- Long Term Goals 🎋
-🎋2 of Wands- Sparring, Competition 🎋
-🏅3 of Pentacles- Thinking Outside the Box🏅
The time of rising above to a new vantage point is upon us. We have a choice to get caught up in the strife around us or choose to focus our vision on what we can actually do.
Take your time figuring this out, and be bold when the time for action comes. You helping others at this time allows all of us to elevate but you must balance your own needs as well. You are not meant to end up “upside down” in any of this. The world will come forward to support you.